Earlier this year we reported that Gavl grows your auction attendance by an average of 47% .
Over the last few months we’ve been delighted to see that number grow as more and more consumers get familiar with Gavl. With expansion across Australia and New Zealand, taking in Queensland and the Northern Territory in Australia and Hawkes Bay in New Zealand, we’re pleased to report that 1.62m viewers have viewed a Gavl streamed auction this year.*
In the face of a softening auction market, where clearance rates in some states has fallen below 50%, Gavl is helping grow auction attendance. In Queensland, Gavl ‘digital attendees’ represent a 74% increase on the onsite attendees, while the NT saw a 48% increase.*
Across the pond in New Zealand, the results are even stronger – Gavl has grown auction attendance by 115%, while Auckland specifically has seen a 153% increase.*
That’s more than doubling auction attendance at every single auction in New Zealand.
In the markets of Victoria and NSW we continue to strong digital auction attendance, with Gavl having helped assist agents growing attendance by 74% and 43%, respectively.*
With more people watching, there is every chance to be more bidders. In 2018, Gavl had over 500 registrations with 31% of all our approved bidders going on to win the auction.
Stay ahead of the competition and take advantage of digital innovation by allowing people to watch, bid and buy at your auctions without physically being there.
Read more about how a bidder all the way from Dubai was the highest bidder for a recent Gavl streamed auction in Queensland.
This couldn’t have happened without Gavl. The world’s only end-to-end property auction solution.
*These statistics were taken from internal auction data from over 5000 auctions during 2018.